Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Upgrading to OS2008 Nokia N800

I installed the latest image from Nokia on my N800. It started off with two multi-hour failed downloads from the Nokia site. I found a torrent called:


and you could too. That downloaded in less than half an hour.

I already did a backup with the Nokia backup utility. However I don't think it was worth much, I don't use the default email package, so there was little for it to restore, except for my internet connection settings for my phone and my 802.11 access points.

If you are going to do this, here are some instructions in the wiki.

To start I downloaded the .bin file and stuck it in a directory, then I downloaded the Linux Flasher program from a link on this page:

I had to

chmod +x flasher-3.0

I installed the OS using the instructions in the link above.

After it rebooted it asked me to reset the date and time, found my backups on my SD card and asked if I wanted to restore my settings. I did, skipping the email. After a reboot I had a new OS with a new browser but none of my usual apps.

Here is where I found Claws and FBReader.

More later.

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