Saturday, January 26, 2008

Getting off The Tiger Direct Mailing list

I already called these folks the last time I received a catalog.

Tiger Direct sucks, as you probably already know. My sucky experience was a large order with 5 rebates and not all of them were accepted. The rebate system was a big hassle and not worth the discounted price. Trust me.

Today Tiger Direct has a broken automated phone system to remove you from their catalog mailing. Just call 800-888-4437 and in the menu hit 2 then 1 then 3. It will ask you to speak, after the tone, your "customer number" from the back of the catalog. There is no tone, but in a second or so it tells you that your recorded message was too brief. Try Again. I tried from my cell phone, work phone and Gizmo, but it would not hear my voice and register the digits.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Claws Mail on Nokia N800

Latest OS for Nokia N800 much better

I've flashed the lastest OS2008 to my Nokia N800. Now Skype is working as well as Gizmo, Claws, xterm, and x11vnc server. Before you run out and flash you should probably check that your favorite apps are working on OS2008 or chinook.

To start you will need the WLAN MAC ID number found on your battery.

Here is a link to the .bin file to download. It will ask for that number above and you have to agree to the terms. The download is about 135 MB.

the file is named RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin. It is described as "Software Edition 2008 version 2.2007.50-2 for Nokia N800"

I use Linux to flash and the directions found here

My first flash failed, so I downloaded a new copy which worked.

After it flashed, it rebooted and asked if I wanted to restore from a backup on my SD card. I said yes to that and selected my recent backup. It then opened Application Manager and selected all the applications to reinstall. It did not get my python2.5dev package, because prior to flashing I had disabled the extras-devel repository. Oh well. It did install openSSh-server (asking for the root password again) and the GPE applications, python 2.5 runtime.

I did not have a backup of my Claws mail settings so I had to enter the account settings all over again. Otherwise Claws installed find and works great. Skype also finally works, for me for the first time on OS2008!

Cannot install latest Skype on N800 OS2008?

I tried to install Skype Version: on my Nokia N800 with OS2008. The error I received was missing libraries libhildonfm2 as above. However, a post I came across indicated that I am using the old OS2008 beta and that an update came out two weeks ago:

The post on ITT indicates that this fixes the problem installing the latest Skype.

I've been unable to use Skype much on OS2008 however Gizmo is working just fine for calls.