Thursday, November 29, 2007

Skype-out not working on N800 with OS2008

The bugzilla link(you will need an account to view it)

Skype worked for me on the test call, but only because it's so short. My other Skype IT to PC failed after about 30 seconds, with Skype exiting. When I call land-lines and mobile phones it connects, rings twice and then reports the error above, "misc error".

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Upgrading to OS2008 Nokia N800

I installed the latest image from Nokia on my N800. It started off with two multi-hour failed downloads from the Nokia site. I found a torrent called:


and you could too. That downloaded in less than half an hour.

I already did a backup with the Nokia backup utility. However I don't think it was worth much, I don't use the default email package, so there was little for it to restore, except for my internet connection settings for my phone and my 802.11 access points.

If you are going to do this, here are some instructions in the wiki.

To start I downloaded the .bin file and stuck it in a directory, then I downloaded the Linux Flasher program from a link on this page:

I had to

chmod +x flasher-3.0

I installed the OS using the instructions in the link above.

After it rebooted it asked me to reset the date and time, found my backups on my SD card and asked if I wanted to restore my settings. I did, skipping the email. After a reboot I had a new OS with a new browser but none of my usual apps.

Here is where I found Claws and FBReader.

More later.

GPE Calendar on N800 with OS2008

After upgrading to the latest Nokia image for the N800, I am trying to reinstall all the apps I used to have. I think a lot of software is still in dev and test for OS2008 and you may have to hunt around for the repository information.

Here is where I found the GPE Calendar, To-do list, etc.

There you will find links to each .install file. Click on them from your N800 browser and you will have the correct repositories added for you.

Become root by Installing SSH on Nokia N800 with OS2008

I installed OS2008 on my Nokia N800, some settings were restored from the backups found on my SD card, but not the root password. Here is how I became root again on the N800:

First open application manager. The icon for the application menu is now four colorful squares. In the menu choose Tools --> Application Catalog. Enter a new catalog:

Catalog Name: devel
web address:
Distribution: (leave blank)
Components: free non-free

Now click OK and let the catalog be refreshed. In the catalog you can now find Open-Ssh, as well as separate server and client. When you install Open-ssh server, you will be prompted for your new root password.

Once the server was installed and running, I ssh'ed in from my laptop using the username root and the password I just set. The file system shown in the Nokia file manager is confusing, here are a few maps for your scp'ing pleasure:

File Manager calls itTrue path
Nokk (or whatever you called your nokia n800)/home/user/
Internal Memory Card/media/mmc2
Removable Memory Card/media/mmc1

Friday, November 9, 2007

Java Regexp tester

I wrote a little Swing app to test Java regular expressions. You can run it if you have Java installed with webstart or you can download the jar and run it with

java -jar regexp.jar

The source code is included in the jar, but don't copy my Swing code, I don't know what I'm doing there.

screenshot of regexp tester

I wrote it to demo and test regular expressions in Java. You can use it to follow this tutorial on the Sun website. The tutorial supplies a Java app to test regular expressions typed into sysinput, but I thought I would add the graphical element to make it easier.